We are InkStain

Rwanda is a country in transformation, a multi sectoral transformation in which creative communication is taking part of. Behavior change education is transforming lives of many, especially the unprivileged.

InkStain has been part of the landscape for 10 years, working hand in hand with institutions in different communication campaigns, reaching thousands in the fields of education or empowerment among others.



Illustration is one the most ancient forms of communication, since prehistory humans have painted in caves leaving their marks to connect with future generations. Still used in present times, illustration has survived ages by adapting to technological and cultural changes. With its versatile nature, Illustration is the tool we have chosen to put at the center of everything we design.!

Today, information if consumed via screens, the video medium has the advantage of appealing to multiple senses simultaneously. On screen illustration is dynamic, it embeds sound to becomes animation.

We are driven with passion for arts, communication and knowledge in general.
Let’s change the world together one artwork at a time!